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Year 12 Industrial Technology and Multi-Media Excursion

Year 12 ITM students went to Ultimo in the city as part of their Industrial Technology excursion to experience what it would really be like to work in the multimedia industry.

They began with a tour of JMC, where they were introduced to state of the art technology, such as the Optitrax mo-cap system (Same one used by Andy Serkis) , and a 48 channel mixing console (which is only 1 of 6 in existence). They then did a 2 hour workshop with professional comic artist Tim McEwen, who gave tips and tricks for character design.

The second part of the tour was the ABC, where they saw the stage sets of popular TV shows and learned what it was like to run live radio and news services.

All in all, the students were left awe-inspired with the possibilities of what a career in multimedia might look.

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