Read more to hear about lessons this week in Year 12 (Class of 2023) Business Studies classes with Mr McGowan and Year 7 History with Mr Tomalaris.
Year 12 Business Studies with Mr McGowan
The HSC Business Studies class of 2023 have begun their first week of Year 12, kicking off with the topic of Financial Management. The focus of this topic is the role of interpreting financial information in the planning and management of a business.
In their lessons this week they have been exploring the strategic role that financial management performs in the business environment, the key objectives of financial management and how finance operates interdependently with other key business functions. We are looking forward to a great year ahead with our new Year 12 cohort!
Year 7 History with Mr Tomalaris
Our Year 7 History students have started the term with a new topic on 'Shogunate Japan', a period in Japanese history where the main ruler was a powerful military leader called The Shogun.
This term students will be learning about how society was structured, some of the key periods and events during this time, and how Japan was able to defend against the great Mongol invasion.
This week, the class started to explore the great Japanese warriors, the Samurai. Students were taught about their key features, including their armour, weaponry and characteristics and were tasked to create their own life sized interpretation.
To do this they traced around one of their peers on a large piece of butcher's paper, and worked together to ensure their Samurai had all the key features of a powerful Japanese warrior. The class created masterpieces, a couple of monstrosities, and had lots of fun.