Read more to hear about our upcoming fundraiser lunch to support The Lost Children of Jonlei Scholarship fund, an overview of Mathematics across our Secondary school, and to see some of the projects developed by our Year 10 History students in their study of the Industrial Revolution.
Aduk Dau Fundraiser
On Thursday 29th June, our College will be hosting a BBQ Fundraiser to raise money for ‘The Lost Children of Jonlei Scholarship’, which was started by Aduk Dau, who herself experienced life in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya.
‘The Lost Children of Jonlei Scholarship’ is an Anglican Aid project which provides the chance for children living in Kakuma Refugee Camp to receive a secondary school education. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards this project.
On the day, students can purchase a sausage sandwich and drink for $5, or a sausage sandwich only for $3. Thank you for supporting this project!
Mathematics across our Secondary School
Year 7 students in Maths class with Mr. Tanoto, Mrs. Garth and Ms. Kasumaputri have been actively engaging in a hands-on activity that involved real-life applications of mathematical concepts. This activity allowed them to connect theoretical knowledge with practical situations, demonstrating their understanding of the relevance of mathematics in everyday life.
In Mr Tanoto’s class, students researched grocery magazines and identified the best buy specials in order to plan a party within a certain budget and number of guests. Year 7’s approached the activity with enthusiasm and a genuine curiosity, showing a clear understanding of the connections between mathematics and its applications in various contexts.
In Mrs. Ganta’s Year 7 class, students actively participated in group discussions, offering insightful observations and sharing their ideas with their peers on creating an international cuisine cookbook. They researched recipes and discussed how they would convert ratios of the ingredients to serve a greater number of people. They demonstrated critical thinking skills by analyzing the given scenarios and identifying the mathematical concepts that were relevant to solve the problems presented.
In Mrs. Ganta’s Year 8 DE empower week Maths class students were presented with a challenge to plan the most economical lunchbox ideas - comprising recess, crunch and sip, and lunch for one day. They had to apply that knowledge for one week and compare different stores and their pricing. They showed a clear understanding of budget constraints and the importance of prioritizing essential items while considering factors such as quality, quantity, and pricing.
Year 8s active engagement and strong performance in this exercise highlighted their aptitude for practical applications of mathematical concepts and their readiness to make informed financial decisions in real-world scenarios.
During DE Empower Week, Year 7 applied their skills in using fractions, decimals and percentages to make informed decisions while playing "Deal or No Deal". Students were able to make fractions, convert the fraction to a decimal and the decimal to percentages. They incorporated the language of probability to help make decisions. Each round, the students would evaluate the probability represented as a percentage to decide if they should continue opening cases or take the "Deal" from the bank in their quest to win $ 1 million payable by Mr Reifler.
In Mr. Yi’s class students have been practicing linear modeling, where they analyze the relationship between the variables, make predictions, or draw conclusions based on the mathematical model they have developed. Students are learning to select appropriate notations and conventions to communicate mathematical ideas and solutions using linear relationships.
Ms. Geha is actively planning review material, as a Year 12 DE Maths teacher she ensures that her students have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge, reinforce important concepts, and build confidence in their understanding of the subject matter. This approach supports student success and prepares them for their HSC assessments by deepening their skillset and enabling them to face complex questions at a Band 6 level.
In Mr. Turner-Mann’s Year 8 Mathematics class students are developing the knowledge of interpreting graphs. By developing the concept of interpreting graphs, students become adept at extracting meaningful information from visual representations of data. This skill enhances their analytical and critical thinking abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions, draw accurate conclusions, and communicate findings effectively in a variety of academic and real-world contexts.
In Mr Grice’s Year 9 Mathematics class students have been doing a lot of work on Algebra. They have been developing and refining their skills in factorising and expanding. These skills are essential for studying Advanced and Extension Maths in Years 11 and 12.
In Mrs. Kwok’s Year 9 Mathematics class students have been measuring scientific notation and converting to significant figures which is essential knowledge for accurate and precise scientific calculations. Scientific notation is a way of expressing very large or very small numbers in a compact form.
University of NSW - School Maths Competition
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) 61st Annual School Mathematics Competition for Secondary students was held on Wednesday 7th June 2023 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in Junior and Senior sub-divisions.
The Competition is designed to assess mathematical insight and ingenuity rather than efficiency in tackling routine examples. The competition may include questions that require students to provide rigorous mathematical proofs. These questions test their ability to reason logically, construct coherent arguments, and communicate their mathematical thinking effectively.
Mathematics competitions with extension knowledge provide an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of mathematics, develop problem-solving skills, and challenge themselves intellectually. These competitions not only encourage students to excel in mathematics but also foster a passion for the subject and cultivate lifelong learning habits.
This was an initiative undertaken by the Maths department through the IPuzzler Maths club which provided an opportunity to nurture gifted and talented students in their journey to explore higher order thinking skills. Thirteen students participated in the competition, including two Year 11 students in the Senior Division. Results will be announced in September!
Year 10 History Industrial Revolution Projects
Students in Year 10 History have been working on a task across the last two terms to display their knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Industrial Revolution.
In order to do this, they were tasked with the project of constructing an exhibition piece on an invention from the time, to be displayed in a museum to help a viewer understand its significance and impact.
Inventions chosen by students ranged from the lightbulb, steam engine, dynamite, the guillotine, telegraph, camera and sewing machine to the revolver. Students were creative in their designs, drawing detailed annotated diagrams, constructing artistically framed sketches, building 3D printed models and even building a fully functioning steam engine!
Pictured below are Charlize, Ashley and Chris with their models, as well as a 3D printed model telephone made by Nicholas. Charlize built a model of a typewriter out of wood, and painstakingly handmade each key out of dowels, washers and nuts. Similarly, Ashley built a model typewriter predominantly out of cardboard, skewers and foam. Both students spoke about the importance of typewriters in influencing the rise of women in the workforce, as well as the mechanical and tactile nature of this particular invention appealing to them.
Chris built a model steam engine out of a whipper snipper motor, scrap metal and wood. He said, "I love engines and once you understand how they work, they're easy to modify. Steam engines led to the invention of the modern engine and have radically altered our society and our access to goods and new modes of transport."
Well done Year 10, this was a great display of your creativity and understanding of the Industrial Revolution!