Read more to hear about 3G's Christmas celebrations, our final Primary Chapel and the Year 6 Leadership Program.
3G History of Christmas
Mrs Ashleigh McGowan
It’s that time of year again! The festive season is upon us and 3G has started learning about Christmas around the world. This week in our History lesson, we watched a video that showed children from all different countries and cultures explaining what their Christmas traditions are and how they celebrate Jesus at this time of year. We then studied four countries in more detail, reading about the foods they eat and the traditions they enjoy year after year. The class learnt how to say, “Merry Christmas” in their chosen countries and discovered the continent where each country is located.
It has also been a big few weeks in Maths for 3G as they have been practising their problem-solving skills. The class has been introduced to the four-step strategy which helps them identify key information and understand, write, solve and check their answer for a word problem. The students have loved challenging themselves! It has been a real privilege to see them tackle hard questions with a strategy that gives them a great opportunity for success.
Quizworx at Primary Chapel
Mrs Melanie Woods
Our final Primary School Chapel for 2024 was buzzing as the students, staff and families came expectant for one of our regular guests, Quizworx.
Quizworx shares the Good News of Jesus with primary-aged kids in a creative, fun and engaging way. They perform live shows with puppetry, music, art and stories at schools, churches, outreach events and kids' clubs all over Australia.
It was such a treat for our students and there was plenty of laughter throughout the event. In 2024, we will continue to invite all our parents, families and carers to join us every Monday at 9:00am for our weekly Chapels and Assemblies. There is also the Parent Prayer Group that meet every fortnight after our Primary Assembly to pray for our community and encourage one another. All are welcome to attend!
Year 6 Leadership Program
Mrs Melanie Woods
It has been a joy to launch our Year 6 Leadership Program with our current Year 5 students.
Our future 2024 Year 6’s (current Year 5’s) have been spending time talking, roleplaying and thinking about the role of a leader, and what that will look like as a Year 6 student here at ACC.
The aim of the program is to nurture and develop the gifts and talents of each Year 6 student, as they practise servant leadership within our College community.
The mission is that our Year 6 students grow to become all that God has called them to be while embedding and actively practising the attributes that we believe are fundamental to their maturity.
Since its founding days, ACC has been committed to transforming young people spiritually, academically, socially and physically for lives of significance and service. We encourage students to act compassionately and graciously while thinking deeply and biblically.
All 2024 Year 6 students are in the Leadership Program as we believe that each student has individual gifts, ideas, personality traits, skills and talents to bring to our community.
‘Every face has a place’, meaning every Year 6 Leader has been called to step up and be an integral part of making our College a place where our students can grow and learn.
One of the first steps in this program involved each of our 2024 Year 6’s giving a speech to our Primary students, and committing themselves to being an ACC Leader. In addition, all Year 6 students will receive a Leadership Badge that they will wear daily to signify their role in our school.
The 2024 Year 6’s have been working on their 30-second speeches in class and did a marvellous job presenting them to the school this last week. Well done!