Read more to read an update from our Head of Primary with information on upcoming and previous events across our Primary School, as well as an update from Learning Enrichment, and classes 5W and 3V.
Updates from across the Primary School with Mrs Woods
Reminders for our Families
There are many dates on our calendar that keep us busy, however, I wanted to remind you about two of our family events in the next two weeks.
In Week 8 on Thursday 15 June is our Music Concert Event. The K - 2 Concert is from 10:00am - 11:30am and the Grade 3 - 6 concert will run from 12:00pm - 1:30pm.
Families are all welcome as we celebrate the students’ musical achievements from the last two Terms. There will great performances you will not want to miss as every student from Kindergarten to Year 6 will have a chance to perform.
In Week 9 on Thursday 22 June we will be holding our Term 2, Parent and Family Showcase Afternoon. We held one of these events last term where family and friends were invited to come to their students' classrooms and got to witness firsthand what happens in our classrooms on a daily basis. I encourage you all to come and not miss this opportunity! More information to come.
Some photos from our 2022 Primary Music Concert are below:
I would also like to take the opportunity to remind parents that all students are to wear their winter blazers and an ACC School hat to and from school every day. For our young boys, ACC school ties are also to be worn every day with shirts tucked in. We are proud of our ACC uniform and wear it with pride.
Learning Enrichment at ACC
Learning Enrichment were so excited to come to morning assembly and hand out handfuls of certificates to our Primary Students this week. We are extremely proud of our students who have worked at their own pace with our Learning Enrichment team and seen remarkable achievement and growth. Our Primary school ‘cheered’ the students for their efforts and also thanked our Learning Enrichment Team - Ms Clark, Mrs Annandale and Mrs Clark, who have inspired a love of learning in these students.
Our Learning Enrichment Team use MacqLit and MultiLit to help guide our students in their learning progression. MacqLit is a comprehensive sequence of lessons that includes all the key components necessary for effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. MultiLit stands for Making Up Lost Time in Literacy and is an intensive reading program designed to increase children's progress in reading accuracy, fluency, comprehension and spelling. It is a research based initiative of Macquarie University in NSW, who have been producing reading programs for over 20 years.
Primary Athletics Carnival
“The day couldn't have been more perfect. The weather was goldilocks,” I could hear a Grade 6 boy comment as we hopped on the bus. I have to say, I agreed.
We had a great day as all of Kindergarten to Grade 6 headed to Peel Reserve for our annual Athletics Carnival including both On Campus and Distance Education students.
I think one of the best parts was seeing the Kindergarten students arrive and take in their first Athletics Carnival with maturity and expectation. We loved having so many of our families and friends come along to cheer on the students for their efforts.
There were many comments about how smooth the day went as the students went from one activity to the other - shot put, discus, high jump, long jump, running races, the egg and spoon race, and rocket launching, or should I say javelin.
A big thank you to all students, staff, families and Mr Parsonage and team for a truly fun event. I trust wonderful memories have been stored for years to come.
Primary Encounter Afternoon
I still get a big smile on my face when I think about our very first Encounter Worship afternoon we had for all our Primary Students recently. It was such a blessing for all who went as the students enjoyed a big afternoon tea together, some afternoon play and then we went up to the first floor of A Block to truly be free to sing our hearts out, dance and praise our Heavenly Father while singing familiar songs that praised the one and only true Saviour, Jesus.
Claire Wimble, a good friend of ACC from CRU spoke and encouraged all of us to trust Jesus with our lives. As the afternoon came to a close we ended with getting into groups to pray for one another. Please enjoy the photos as they capture the time we spent together.
A Day in the Life at ACC
Here are some photos that share glimpses of what a typical day looks like at ACC!
Some kids from Kindergarten up to Grade 5 sharing in a game of Duck-Duck-goose during recess and lunch:
Some of our students enjoying their specialist Music class!
Another little video where one of our Kinder students is loving reading an exciting story to his peers:
This week in 5W with Ms Wallace
This week in 5W, our focus in writing has been on developing our storytelling skills and implementing the seven steps of writing. We have been learning to plan out our stories effectively, ensuring a coherent and engaging narrative. In Health, we have been setting both short-term and long-term fitness goals and understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In Maths, our learning has centered around the concepts of Gross Mass and Net Mass, exploring the differences and applications of these measurements. Spelling has presented some challenges, particularly remembering the order of 'e' and 'i,'. We have been practicing strategies such as the rule of 'i before e, except after c,' with the exception of words like 'receives' or 'eight' or 'leisurely' .
Lastly, in Music, we have been diligently rehearsing for our upcoming Musical Showcase, preparing to showcase our musical talents on the ukeles next week.
Star Wars Day on the 4th of May in 3V
“May the Fourth be with you!” was the greeting Mr Vlok gave his class as they completed the roll. The day was also adventurous because there was a power cut due to a fallen tree not far from the school so what is a class to do when technology is not an option? LEGO!!!
The class was given a stack of lego, some base plates and a short video about Star Wars. The students invented characters, settings and best of all, spacecraft! The class had a BLAST creating a space planet in a far flung galaxy. So many skills on show. Students worked in small groups to make a specific area and then they combined it into one. Students proceeded to present their part of the planet to the class. It was a superb way to spend a day without electricity.