Read more to hear about literacy in KL, special guests in Year 1 Music, our CRU FIT Leadership workshop, Word of Life KickOff event and our ‘I See You’ stars initiative in Primary School.
Literacy in KL
Our students in KL have been working hard on their literacy, in particular their reading and writing skills. Over the past few weeks, our KL students have been learning the letters and sounds that go with ‘s’, ‘m’ and ‘t’. We have been playing games where Mrs Lie says a word, and the students need to write the first letter of that word on their whiteboards, based on the sound that letter makes.
We have also been using the whiteboards as part of our ‘Explicit Direct Instruction’ school wide pedagogy. This term, we have been steadily learning how to break up words into syllables. Students have been doing various actions and activities to help them learn how to count the syllables that make up different words. In the images below, you can see how they represent each syllable with a tally mark.
Congratulations KL for all your hard work, and your excellent progress so far!
Special Guests in Year 1 Music
1D were very excited to have special guests pop into their music lesson last Friday. Mr Corr, Mr Howard, Mr Woods and Mr Gill joined them in playing the ‘boomwackers’ (tuned coloured plastic pipes that are hit on the ground to sound the note).
Watch the video below to hear the music we made! Thank you to our guests for visiting our music class, we loved hosting you.
CRU FIT (Followers In Training) Leadership Workshop
On Tuesday 14th March, Mrs Booker took 16 Year 6 students to a CRU FIT (Followers in Training) Leadership Workshop at Norwest Christian College, to meet with students from four other schools who also attend their lunchtime Christian group.
The few hours spent there were incredibly encouraging. Our students played games and separated into three training streams: ‘Teaching the Bible through Drama’, ‘Teaching Memory Verses’ and ‘Connecting with God through Reading My Bible’. Each stream learnt engaging strategies to read and teach the Bible to others and were encouraged to consider how to apply these to JOLT at ACC. Students finished the afternoon by praying for the Christian lunchtime groups of the other schools attending.
Here are some quotes from our Year 6 students when completing a written reflection on their excursion experience:
“I learnt that the Bible is the greatest weapon and it is not for hurting but for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
“We learnt about Jonah and learnt how to teach others cool actions to match the words being read.”
Word of Life ‘KickOff’
We hope you have heard a story or two about our KickOff event last week!
Our Primary students had a fantastic time at this wonderful incursion. The Word of LIfe team came with their high powered games and action activities which kept the kids enthralled and entertained.
Word of Life have been working in schools for many years and are passionate about seeing students experience an event where they are cherished, valued, cared for, have fun and hear more about the God of the Bible and what plans He has for our lives. Please enjoy a selection of photos below!
‘I See You Stars’
We have a few sayings in our Primary School, such as ‘Every Face has a Place’ or ‘I SEE YOU’, meaning everyone is unique and we see you as an individual with God-given gifts and talents that we want to celebrate.
You will see our students receiving 'I See You' awards where the individual is celebrated for something they have done or said that is noteworthy and deserving of special recognition. When the students receive one of these awards they walk the 'red carpet' (so to speak) down to the Student Hub and place their award in the perspex Sport House Boxes. This is another one of our Wellbeing initiatives and seeing the students rise to the occasion daily with expectations of behaviour and engagement in their learning is a wonderful thing to witness - Well done ACC students!