Read more to hear about the Primary Musical Showcase, 2D's Geography Excursion, end of year reflections from Miss Kleinig (KB) and the 'BikeAbility' Club with Mr Vlok.
Primary Musical Showcase Concert
It was a delight this week to watch our Primary Students demonstrate their musical talents through our Primary Concert on Wednesday. A huge thank you to our Specialty Music Teacher, Mrs Turner, for all her hard work in bringing this event together!
We loved hearing the sounds of lively singing voices, bells, glockenspiels, and ukeleles. Congratulations to all the students for their brave and passionate performances!
Geography with 2D - Miss Dikha
What an eventful and fun term 2D has been having. We began the term in Week 1 with our fabulous Geography excursion where students roamed around the beautiful Sydney Botanical Gardens, exploring and observing the wide variety of built and natural features in the environment around them.
2D also had the amazing privilege of being led around the gardens with an Aboriginal Elder who explained the significance of the land, animals and nature. Students engaged in a fun game of ‘spot the eel’ by wiggling their fingers above the eel pond to look like worms on the top of the water. 2D were absolutely enthralled as they watched the blue beady eyes of the eels rise to the surface of the water. They even found a frilled-neck lizard during our adventure!
Every day is a joy with 2D and especially those memory-making moments we spend together.
End of Year Reflections from KB - Miss Kleinig
What a wonderful year it has been in KB! School is a world of unknown for Kindergarten and over this year I have watched the students grow in resilience, independence and self control. Their curiosity and excitement to learn has allowed them to grow as critical and creative thinkers and they have learnt how to communicate their thoughts and opinions with confidence.
In Term 4 we have been focusing on digraphs, we have learnt wh, th, oo, ng and ay. KB has learnt that a digraph is two letters that make one sound. To help consolidate their learning we have learnt special jingles, and played games like tricky word bingo and sound matching games.
In writing we have focused on Narratives, particularly exploring characters. We stepped into the world of the Three Little Pigs and had a class discussion comparing and contrasting the different perspectives that we had read about. We then had an exciting debate in class. One side was trying to convince me that the wolf was a good, kind wolf and the other side was trying to convince me that the wolf was a hungry, bad wolf. KB used lots of persuasive language and I could see their excitement and passion for learning during this activity, it was really encouraging to see their engagement. We love learning in KB!
When I asked KB what they have enjoyed learning the most in class, some answers included: “I love learning all of the classroom and playground rules”, “I love learning about math because I really love learning the plus and minus signs”, “I love learning about the different sounds and digraphs in InitiaLit”, “I love learning how to write all of the different letters”.
KB has a passion for encouraging each and every student in their class. At such a young age each student has a character that is respectful, encouraging, uplifting and reflects the love that God pours onto us. It has been such a blessing to be KB’s teacher and I am so excited for each of their futures as each student has something truly amazing to offer this world.
'BikeAbility' Club with Mr Vlok
This term Mr Vlok has been running a 'BikeAbility' club for our Year 2 - Year 4 students on Wednesday afternoons. All our clubs are free to join and are run by staff who are passionate about the particular activity.
The 'BikeAbility' club has been assisting students to develop key skills that all cyclists need, including basic bike maintenance, balance, control, pedalling and road awareness.
It has been wonderful to see the students increase in their confidence and love of cycling!