This week we are introducing you to Mrs Deb Truman, our Faculty Leader for the Technological & Applied Studies (TAS) Department.
Tell us a bit about yourself - your background, experience and training.
I have been working at ACC Marsden Park for over 20 years. I started in administration, then got my teaching degree from ACU and came back as a Food Tech and Stage 4 Technology Mandatory teacher.
I have had a number of roles at the College - including being a Home Room teacher for 12 years and currently the TAS Faculty Leader. I’m enjoying the challenge of this new role as I learn how to empower others in our TAS team.
I love working here, this school is my home away from home. I love that the school’s vision is focused on giving students a knowledge of Christ - even as we’ve grown so much over the years, we have held strong to our Christian ethos.
I’ve been married for over 30 years, and we have four children. I love to read missionary biographies in my spare time and complete textile projects of any kind.
Why are you passionate about your role as TAS Faculty Leader here at ACC?
What I love about the TAS Faculty is seeing kids who don’t always achieve academically, really find their place and excel in the practical subjects in TAS.
In Year 7 and 8, students go through Tech Mandatory rotations, including Food Tech, Textiles, making CO2 dragsters, coding and video creation.
In Year 9 and 10, students can choose from electives such as Woodwork, High Tech, Food Tech and Multimedia.
In Year 11 and 12, the electives offered are Food Tech, Design & Technology, and Industrial Technology Multimedia (ITM).
What are some of the big projects happening in TAS in Term 2, or over the course of the year?
In Term 2, Stage 6 will be working on Major Works in ITM, Food and Design & Technology. Lower Secondary will rotate around the subjects in TAS. We encourage you to come to MAD Night later in the year to see major works on display!
If parents have questions or want to be involved in some way, how can they reach out to you?
If any parents have a background in one of our TAS subjects, we would love to hear from you! Please contact me at - we love for the kids to hear about your area of specialisation in the industry.